Golden Son (Red Rising book 2)

This is book No. 2 in the Red Rising series.

For a second story in a trilogy (which has since expanded to six books), this book packs a lot in.

The world is dramatically expanded beyond the fairly limited scope of the Academy in Red Rising. Darrow goes on a roller-coaster ride through Gold society.

First, he’s an ascendant star. Then, after a strategic blunder, his stock plummets. Then, it gets worse and it appears his only play is to take out as many Golds as possible by committing suicide at a fancy summit.

But! Darrow throws a Hail Mary by challenging Cassius at the summit–and that Hail Mary ignites a Gold civil war that gives Darrow breathing room. (The reveal that Darrow, who previously kind of sucked with the razor, has secretly been trained by razor great Lorn au Arcos, is one of the book’s high points.)

There’s also the introduction of Ragnar, a massive Iron Rain, and the unmasking of Ares.

And at the very end, it all goes deep into hell when Darrow’s identity is revealed and the Jackal–oh how I hate that Jackal–grabs power.

Again, this is the second book. Some trilogies don’t have that much action in the entire series.